woensdag 15 juni 2011

To the young people of Spain,
Greece, and in the Middle East,
and to the young people everywhere :

Ask for a more humane worldwide economic system, now!

To the young people of Spain, who are gathering at the squares in Madrid, Barcelona and other cities in Spain,

To the young people of the Middle-East, who are gathering at several squares in some major cities in the Middle-East,

To the people of Ireland and Greece,

And to the poor people of Africa, and everywhere else in this world,

At the moment, we are living 'apart together' with about 6.7 billion people, on this small - but beautiful - planet Earth. At the end of this year, this will become 7 billion people, and at about 2040 or 2050 or so, we will be with 10 billion people, living (or dying) on this small planet Earth.

Although a lot of food is thrown away and wasted, especially in the rich and wealthy countries, where only the best products are delivered to the markets, and where the rest is thrown away; and taken into account that drinking water levels in many countries are low and very critical now, and that climate change will cause a lot of extra problems, we all must be aware that we better change the present inhumane worldwide economic system, so that it serves everybody on this planet, and that it better preserves the planet as a whole.

Dear young people of Spain, and everywhere else in this world, where you gather in the streets and at the squares in your cities, to protest against the present situation in your countries, why not - at the same time - protest against the cruel and inhumane worldwide economic system too?

Why do we still accept this cruel system any longer? Why do we still accept that we - and certainly a lot of people in the third world - have to work as slaves to support this cruel system, based on exaggerated competition and slavery of all?

Why are the people of Africa, and many other countries, so poor? And why are other people so rich? Even people in the rich countries - more and more - have to work as slaves too, in a system of exaggerated - and (for)ever increasing -  competition!

Also, because of the ever increasing competition, recently also coming from 'the emerging and growing markets', economists and politicians in the richer countries are all saying that their countries have to become 'more competitive', and therefore all social services (like pension, unemployment and sickness benifits, ..., and so on), and budgets for development aid and immigration services as well, are coming more and more under severe stress! In order to be, or to remain, or to become 'more competitive', we all will have to work as slaves, with almost no social rights, like they do in China, and other parts of the (third) world! And yes, the economists are right when they say that our economies would be 'more competitive', when we give up all our social rights, and development aid and immigration services as well, and when all our social security systems will be brought down! Our economies also will be 'more competitive', when we all will live and work - more and more - like slaves, like a lot of people and children already do in the third world. Yes, our economists and politicians are right when they say that our economies will be 'more competitive', if we behave - more and more - as animals, and live and work like slaves! ;-)

But, dear people, why do we so easily accept this 'evolution' in the wrong direction? Why don't we ask that social services (like pension, unemployment and sickness benifits, ... and so on) are increased or installed in ALL countries, worldwide, so that everybody gets a better life? And why don't we also ask more respect for the environment (our beautiful planet Earth has a lot of stress, because of our way of living, and due to our present wasting economic system)!

Why do we still (and so easily) accept the present cruel worldwide economic system, that is based on exaggerated competition (in the rich countries) and slavery (in most of the poor countries), a worldwide system that is cruel and inhumane, even not optimal (there are a lot of losses, not only of people and of the environment, but also of many products, that are thrown away and wasted, and that are not given free to the very poor people and countries), a worldwide system that has no respect for the people, the Earth and the environment, and that, if we don't change it, will kill us all. (Why? Because we will have to compete as over-populated rats, in a small cage, biting each others throats, until our very last breath).

Does this mean that we have to convert to the past communist systems, that have proven to be cruel also? (People in communist countries were not free, and were not allowed to practice there religions, and were also suppressed by their governments and their systems).

The answer is no: No, we don't have to convert to past communist systems, that have proven to be bad also.

What we need now, is worldwide co-operation! We need a strongly moderated worldwide economic system, with a human face, that serves all (worldwide), and that is based on co-operation, and not on exaggerated and cruel competition. That's what we need!

So, young people of Spain, and everywhere else in this world, where you gather in your streets and at your squares, in many of your cities, please take this into account! Go to your governments and to your parliaments, to your politicians, and also to the European Union (Commision and/or Parliament), maybe invite the European president (Van Rompuy), or the president of the European Commision (Barosso), and also go to the United Nations, to the G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G10, G20, and even to the Bilderberg Conference, and ask for a strongly/sufficiently moderated worldwide economic system, with a human face, that serves all (worldwide), and that is based on co-operation, and not on slavery and exaggerated competition!

Kind Regards,

Ir. Daniel De Caluwé, Belgium